Eye Essentials in Omaha

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Shopping online for a refill of your contact lenses is easy using our secure online system. If you need to update your prescription, book an appointment today.

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CHARMANT eyewear is manufactured with quality and excellence in mind. With a wide range of brands and styles to choose from, CHARMANT provides you with all the options you need to find the perfect frames to suit your distinct. Personality.

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Technologically advanced memory metal. Designed to stay in adjustment. More durable than other materials. A lightweight, comfortable, and extensive selection of styles.

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Kate Spade

Kate Spade's eyewear collection features eyeglasses and sunglasses that are flirty and feminine, frames in classic styles and modern shapes with striking prints and bold color palettes. These designs will impress any fashionista.

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Marc Jacobs

Contemporary designer Marc Jacobs introduces his brand of reinvention to a fabulous eyewear collection. A fresh take on vintage looks, the Marc Jacobs brand arouses dynamic style in their eyeglasses.

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Nike’s durable, long-lasting design is ideal for everyday wear. They are built with performance in mind, offering a range of distinctive designs that are suitable for an active lifestyle.

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For those seeking something new, Ogi Eyewear never disappoints. Founded on the principle that everyone is always looking for something new, Ogi Eyewear continuously releases new or expanded eyewear collections. Purposeful use of color, finely crafted and affordable.

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Oakley invents each new product with a design philosophy called sculptural physics: the discipline of solving problems with science and wrapping them in art. Supported by an infrastructure that includes the latest tools of technology, Oakley engineers and artisans continue to expand the American company’s array of product categories.

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Silhouette is the leading manufacturer of high-quality eyewear, with a strong focus on rimless design—a celebrated leader with a unique commitment to design and to manufacture sophisticated eyewear.

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Our deep understanding and desire to address basic human pains and requirements is clearly reflected in our staggering selection of high-quality products and solutions.

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Trivex Lenses

Trivex polycarbonate lenses blend strength, lightweight comfort, and optical clarity in one package. Beyond their resistance to scratches and impacts, these lenses boast uniform thickness across all prescription powers, ensuring a consistent look and feel. With 100 percent UV protection and sharp central and peripheral vision, Trivex lenses are particularly great for active lifestyles.

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Quickly adapt from indoor to outdoor lighting in seconds. Living in the moment means not having the time to switch frames when going from different locations. Designed in USA, Transitions® lenses continuously change based on lighting, so you’ll never have swap glasses or suffer from strain headaches again.

Our Locations

First Eye Associates

Visit our practice in the Eighty-One Eleven Medical Center on Dodge St.

  • 8111 Dodge St., Suite 143
  • Omaha, NE 68114
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Eye Essentials (Optical Center)

Our optical is located next door to our eye care practice in the Eight-One Eleven Medical Center.

  • 8111 Dodge St., Suite 140
  • Omaha, NE 68114
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